About NerdSpot

Every day there are important dates that a nerd must keep in mind. The birthdays of Tim Berners Lee or Konrad Zuse are important events that a nerd does not want to forget. Donald Duck or the anniversary of the destruction of Krypton must also be remembered.

With NerdSpot you won't be surprised anymore that people talk to you like pirates in September. And: God beware, what if you forget Panic Day? That can't happen to you with NerdSpot anymore. NerdSpot reminds you - be it by e-mail, telegram or discord. So you will never forget an event that is important in the world of nerds and geeks.

Who did it?

NerdSpot was made by PCSG. We are a small software company, which consists of geeks and nerds in the heart. In the course of our Tuesday hackathons we created NerdSpot.

Every Tuesday we bring services to life with QUIQQER, our Enterprise Content Management System. The purpose of these hackathons is to put our own software through its paces and find out where it still hangs.

The Nerd-Spotties

On our page you can see that here and there little creatures cavort - the Nerd Spotties. These are the little mascots of NerdSpot. They are as nerdy as you and provide you with nerdy information.

Hobbit Day, Bibo's birthday or Crazy Hat Maker's Day - the Nerd Spotties tell you when it's time. 

NerdSpotty - DaveNerdSpotty - CarlNerdSpotty - Daniel